
Why cooperate with VCU Robotics?

You only want to deal with a reliable partner with expertise and experience. We understand this completely and offer both ready-to-use automation solutions and customized solutions. Automation is the future. But why collaborate with VCU Robotics?


We strive to develop a suitable innovative solution for every challenge. With our team of experienced engineers, we have the knowledge and experience in robotics and automation.

Production efficiency

Pick-and-place systems can increase your production speed. In addition, you will have reduced labour costs, consistent product quality and increased accuracy.


VCU Robotics offers customized solutions for your problem. Everything is possible and together we want to create, in the way that is workable for you, a more streamlined process.

Your advantages

From an economic perspective
Through our cooperation with Rapid Engineering, much is possible in the area of data collection. By recording the weight and size of the product, you can accurately determine the cost price. Trends can be analyzed in order to optimize your product.

From an organic perspective
Our automation solutions reduce food waste. Our robots handle your products with great precision, minimizing or eliminating damage and loss. Constant quality and safety can be guaranteed.

From a regulatory perspective
Through our pick-and-place systems, there is more traceability in the chain, which is increasingly important in the food industry. By prioritizing hygiene and using only hygienic accessories, we demonstrate our commitment to food safety.

From an operational perspective

  • Real-time access to all detailed data
  • Efficiency and transparency in reporting
  • Improvement of working conditions and safety
  • Proactive risk management
  • Improved response to regulatory changes.

In short, pick-and-place automation systems from VCU Robotics offer significant benefits from a variety of perspectives. Contact us now to see what we can do for you!