
The ‘Coco’ Machine

In the grey twilight of early morning, as the sea sloshes gently against the fishing vessel UK124, a new chapter in the world of fishing begins. It is a story of innovation, teamwork, and the unstoppable march of technological progress. The key players in this story are VCU Robotics and the team of VCU Tcd, who together are on the eve of a revolutionary change in lobster conservation.

Transforming the langoustine conservation process

The COCO installation, a feat of engineering designed to completely transform the langoustine conservation process, is being installed with care and precision on the UK124. This fishing vessel, which has been the backbone of the local fishing community for many years, is about to become a pioneer in the world of automated fishing. In the past, preserving langoustines was a labour-intensive process. Tough sailors wielded heavy baskets, manually dipping them into dip tanks full of preservatives, a ritual that required strength, patience and precision. But the arrival of the COCO installation promises a new era. With this technology, langoustines are now fully automatically preserved, cooled, and carefully transported to the final station in the hold of the UK124. A process that once required the effort of many hands can now be accomplished with the simple touch of a button.

The installation of the COCO went very smoothly, thanks to the unparalleled cooperation between VCU Robotics engineers and the VCU Tcd men. As the sun rises and the metal of the COCO installation begins to shine in the morning light, there is a sense of accomplishment and wonder among the crew. This is more than just a technological upgrade; it is a tribute to what is possible when people work together, pushing the boundaries of possibility and redefining the future of an age-old industry.

Even the oldest crafts have room for innovation.

The sea, always an unchanging witness of the times, watches as the UK-124 prepares to set sail. With the COCO installation on board, the ship is not just a vessel for fishing; it is a beacon of innovation, ready to brave the waves and change the way we think about fishing and conservation. It is a story of human ingenuity, of bridging the gap between tradition and technology, and it proves once again that even the oldest crafts have room for innovation.